Like A Girl


Like A Girl


Learn how to embrace your authenticity and leverage the strengths we have as women.  Discover the empowerment of what being like a girl means.  Understand how we build resilience and overcome self-doubt to achieve our goals.  With practical advice to help you uncover your brilliance and thrive at life. 

‘Like a girl’ was used as an insult growing up. You throw like a girl, you run like a girl, you cry like a girl. It transpires as I grew up I did run like a girl and I won most of my races, I played soccer like a girl and as a result was better than most boys in my class but still not allowed to play on the school team. I also cried like a girl and have learned that our feminine traits make us strong not fragile.

How do we find balance in a world that places so much expectation on us, a life in which we are exhausted yet still busy striving for perfection?  How do we navigate the unique challenges we face, overcome fear and self-doubt? Read this book to discover the secret and practical strategies to apply to your life.

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