Burnout to Brilliance

Quantity does not always mean quality and being busy does not mean we’re productive, in fact the opposite is often true. 

The reality is that workload is high, that won’t change.  We also live in a world where uncertainty and change is the norm and there’s more pressure than ever placed on the mental health of our workforce.

Busy is fashionable, we wear it like a badge of honour but it doesn’t lead to high performance.  This is a must have workshop to ensure you’re getting the best from your team and to help them thrive.

This starts by changing the way we relate to busyness, how we define productivity and ensuring we understand how to be effective as well as keeping up with the workload.

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If you’d like to support your team to be at their best, this programme will help reenergise and sustain attendees to unleash their potential and go from burnout to brilliance.

  • Understand the difference between busy and productive

  • Work smarter not harder and master the habits of high performance

  • Understand the neuroscience behind thinking patterns and rewire the brain

  • Learn strategies to cultivate a more calm, clearer mind.

  • Keep calm amid the chaos and give yourself space to thrive, even in the tough times

  • Be your best without burning out in the process

  • Overcome overwhelm and build resilience

  • Improve productivity and effectiveness

Master the art of slowing down to speed up, understand the power of the mind and how to use it to stay focused, calm and effective. Know the difference between busy and productive and ensure you are a sustainable resource.

During this programme, participants learn what it is resilient people do, build their own plan to overcome challenges and uncertainty and deliver on their potential.

My goal is for everyone to be their best, without burning out in the process.

Get in touch to book or organise a chat direct with me